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Case studies


The Sunny Side of Branding: The Solfegs Solar Case — Successful Branding for a Solar Business

When we talk about a brand, most probably think of the name and the unique logo that accompanies it. However, a good brand is not only about a good name and a well-designed logo, but also about the values that the brand represents. Skillful planning, targeted communication and continuous improvement all contribute to a strong and unified brand image.


Effective image building even in times of unexpected challenges

Jobtain's success story, or how did we build our client into a national expert in the employment market with the help of successful PR? in a case study, we present a history of cooperation, which is a great demonstration of the potential and potential of effective PR. Thanks to many years of cooperation, the strategy we have developed has not only made the company popular, but also laid a solid foundation for building an authentic and reliable image of Jobtain.
